Isnin, 25 Mei 2009

Swine Flu H1N1 (Please go away.. dont destroy my summer vacation :'( )


Assalamualaikum wbt..

Why is it named Swine Flu?

It all probably began in Mexico and parts of US in which humans have fallen ill to a strain of Swine Influenza A virus (H1N1 strain) in mid March and early April. Just like the bird flu, this means that the swine flu virus has managed to change its structure to invade the human immune system.

2. 2.Why is it such a big deal?

Because this is mutated strain ( a combination of human influenza viral strain, swine influenza viral strain and bird influenza viral strain) is something the human body is not familiar with, thus the natural immune system in us will take some time to develop antibodies against this virus to give a good fight before the virus cause too much damage.

As of now, with the flu virus being able to infect from human to human, the spread is feared to be too massive to contain, and too fast for the body to develop

3. 3.Is it treatable?

So far news and experts have reported that confirmed cases have responded well to Tamiflu(Oseltamivir) and Relenza(Zanamivir). However, this virus is resistant to amantadine and rimantadine.

4. 4.How does it transmit?

Airborne infection – from saliva droplets, from aerosol generated from the airway.

Which means if you are less than 6 metres from an infected person, you are a close contact and should be checked.

5. 5.Is Malaysia in danger?

Because of the availability of air travel, no region is safe as proclaimed by the WHO. It has also been increased to Level Four alert which means this flu virus is transmitted from human-to-human contact without any animal vectors which makes it even easier. As even Asian countries like South Korea and Thailand has reported suspected cases – we can certainly say that Malaysia is in danger just like all other countries. We cannot rule out that there are no people who are currently in Malaysia who had contracted the virus while visiting Mexico, New Zealand, US or Canada.

6. 6.What are the signs and symptoms?

It begins just like a common influenza virus illness – with fever, respiratory symptoms like sore throat, cough, and running nose. It could also cause lethargy, muscle ache and body ache. Without proper treatment – it could progress to severe pneumonia which can be fatal.

7. 7.Can I eat pork like normal?

Yes. Cooked pork no longer contain the virus.

8. 8.What can I do?

First of all, if you are not feeling well and having cough and cold, fever, go see a doctor. This is especially important if you had travel to outside the country the past two weeks, and not just in Mexico or US. Cough and sneeze responsibly without infecting others. Maintain high level of hygiene i.e handwashing, etc.

9. 9.This piece of information may not be entirely accurate as it is based on personal understanding from the currently available resources and information. Sources: WHO, CNN, Malaysiakini.

1010. Is there hope? I personally think it is. With good political leadership, community and international co-operation and sound public health management, i think the world can triumph over the swine flu scare without allowing it to progress to a global epidemic.

Music - The Climb

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